Please complete this form if you are in need of Diaconal Assistance.
Guidelines & Policies
Someone will contact you regarding your application within the next 7 days. Please be prepared to provide your bank statements from the last 60 days when requested.
We will provide up to 100% of need to a maximum of $500 for non-church members (Funds provided by the church are subject to availability.)
Ordinarily and whenever possible, payment will be made to the creditor rather than the applicant.
At the discretion of the Church, you may be requested (if married, both husband & wife) to do one or more of the following:
- Provide additional documentation regarding your income, assets & expenses.
- Participate in financial counseling, including basic budgeting exercises.
- Take a class on biblical financial management or complete a workbook on biblical stewardship.
By submitting this form, you are stating that you have read and understand these guidelines and policies and agree to abide by the terms of the agreement.